Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians, GSCSA See also Georgia and Virginia
Announcement to re-open on a limited basis June 2011 Announcement to sell September 2012 |
Girl Scout Camp Sky-Wa-Mo's future uncertain
http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/sep/10/girl-scout-camp-sky-wa-mos-future-uncertain/ She said the volunteer committee had strict criteria when examining all site locations. |
Girl Scouts Heart of the South Also see Mississippi
Board decision to divest property June 29, 2012
Long Range Property Planning
http://www.girlscoutshs.org/longrangepropertyplanning From the Desk of Brent Greer, County Mayor March 2013 http://www.henryco.com/deskofgreer/March2013.htm Henry County is vying for the opportunity to be selected as the site for a $37 million 4-H Conference and Event Center of West Tennessee. We have submitted a proposal to the search committee for site selection. We proposed the Camp Hazelwood site that borders Kentucky Lake. The site has approximately two miles of shoreline. Prior to becoming an annex to Paris Landing State Park, Camp Hazelwood served as the location for the Reelfoot Region Girl Scout Camp. |