Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma Arkansas, GSEOK |
Girl Scouts to end lease of local camp
http://www.stwnewspress.com/local/x180467811/Girl-Scouts-to-end-lease-of-local-camp/print A recent decision by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma’s Board of Directors could mean that Camp Sylvia Stapley, a longtime camp ground used by Girl Scouts west of Stillwater, won’t be used by local troops. Girl Scout Lease Expiration Announced for Stillwater Girls, Inc.
http://www.pitchengine.com/girlscoutsofeasternoklahoma/girlscoutleaseexpirationannouncedforstillwatergirlsinc GSEOK has maintained and improved these properties and facilities under a lease agreement in Stillwater since 1968. As part of realignment throughout the USA, the Board of GSEOK was charged with the task of bringing GSEOK into compliance with GSUSA's policies which states the following: |
Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma, GSWO |
Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma: Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Properties
http://www.gswestok.org/sites/girlscoutswest/uploads/images/Frequently_Asked_Questions_Concerning_Camp_ClosingsFINAL.pdf Can donations be made to cover costs that would keep either or both camps open? No. The board voted to retire and sell the two camps and use funds from those sales to reinvest back into the Camp Pathway. We cannot accept or approve donations or fundraising activities to keep open camps that have already been voted to retire and sell. Camp Red Rock
http://www.abandonedok.com/camp-red-rock/ |