petitions by State
We have done our best to provide all the active petitions available. Please contact us if you know of an active petition that we have missed, or have recently started one. Together we can stop the closures of our camps! This list is intended for petitions directly related to camp closures and not with other GSUSA issues. (Petitions that have closed are in italics.)
Tell Congress to inquire into the massive closures of Girl Scout camps!
Congressman Bruce Braley of Iowa has written a letter to congress asking them to inquire into the massive closings of camps around the country and their link to the pension funding problem. Please support him by signing our petition at (This petition is now CLOSED.)
Congressman Bruce Braley of Iowa has written a letter to congress asking them to inquire into the massive closings of camps around the country and their link to the pension funding problem. Please support him by signing our petition at (This petition is now CLOSED.)
Iowa (petitions closed)
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois: Do not sell all of the Girl Scout camps in Eastern Iowa
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois: Keep our Girl Scout Camps open!
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois: Save Camp L-Kee-Ta
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois: Please don't sell Camp Tahigwa!
- Camp Little Cloud: Save our camp!
- Governor Schweitzer : Save Camp Westana! (petition closed)
New York
- The Closure of the Girl Scout Camp Yaiewano: Not Close the Camp (petition closed)
- Girl Scouts of Ohio's Heartland: Keep Camp Wakatomika open for summer resident camp
- Girl Scouts of Western Ohio: SAVE Girl Scout Camp Rolling Hills from "RESTING" and/or being SOLD (petition status "Victory")
- Girl Scouts of North East Ohio: Honor the Resolution - bring democracy to our council (petition closed)